Wake up and smell the napalm.

It's another God-awful morning.
Another 14 hours or so of donkeys hee-hawing...can't wait to go back to sleep. Somehow, each waking moment is like a stroll down the gates of hell. I am helpless in the face of my corporate slavery. Each day feels like an unending trip down an infinitely long carwash...but instead of cleaning aids, there are dripping pens, sheets of paper-cut ready print outs, flickering lights and more than enough emails to choke an elephant. I stand there, on a slow moving conveyor belt, letting all of these nasty implements rain down on me. However, I am not alone. I see others around me, sharing that pained and oblivious look. It is clear they suffer in their own personal hells. But not everyone here is a victim; there are few not of my people.
Demons in corporate wear abound, cruel and unyielding. Sometimes, I cower in fear hearing the laughter of a crazed succubus hidden nearby. Tucked under the pylons, ready to suck the life right out of me. There is also Pan, demon god of fear, father of goats. Terribly moody, one cannot fathom the depths of his madness. And in his eyes, there lies true fear. Pan-ic, as they used to call it. In the darkness, there are many others lurking. Watching. Waiting. Once you fall, they will rip you apart without hesitation. Dark shadows, moaning for you to come and join them in their grief. I cannot imagine what nightmares exist beyond the darkness.
But what makes the fires of hell so cold that it freezes to the touch, is the mental torture that I willingly follow this dark path to oblivion. Can I believe that this is not the rest of my life? The social constructs of power, wealth and reputation drive this unforgiving world, and often, we are left gasping at how far we still have to go, and the realization that maybe, we will never make it through.
Will I?
Can i still ask Charon to bring me back?
Wouldn't it be nice to blow it all up?
Yes. Yes it would.
It would be nice to wake up and smell the napalm.
I welcome myself back to the world of blogging.
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